潮州市潮安区庵埠昌隆纸塑厂Chaozhou Chaoan Anbu Changlong paper and plastic factory
潮州市潮安区庵埠昌隆纸塑厂-创办于1998年 座落于广东省潮州市潮安区庵埠镇 -专注研究生产纸包装印刷18年 - 一条龙生产,集包装设计、版面印刷为一体的印刷企业 展望未来,我们在积极拓展国内外市场,努力培养、招贤纳才 根植华夏源远流长的印刷文化沃土 追逐着日新月异的现代科技潮流 我们用更的品质来回报支持我们的社会各界 昌隆印务,客源广阔,欢迎来电,洽谈业务.
Chaoan District Anbu Changlong paper plastic factory, Chaozhou City, founded in 1998, is located in Anbu Town, Chaoan District, Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province - focusing on 18 years of paper packaging printing - one-stop production, and a good printing enterprise integrating packaging design and layout printing. We are actively expanding the domestic and foreign markets, and striving to cultivate and recruit talents Rooted in the rich land of Chinese printing culture, we are pursuing the changing trend of modern science and technology. We use more excellent quality to repay and support Changlong printing business of all walks of life in our society. We have a wide range of customers. Welcome to call and negotiate business。
PKWE包装世界(深圳)博览会暨包装容器、包装制品与材料展览会(简称:PKWE )于2021年4月19-21日将在深圳会展中心举办。PKWE包含四大主题展——食品饮料/烘焙包装展区、礼品与轻奢品包装展区 、日用化妆品包装展区、日用消费品包装展区、电商/物流包装展区、绿色创新包材展区、智能包装技术展区六大专题展区,重点展示各类包装制品/容器/包材以及包装加工的创新技术产品。覆盖食品、饮品、甜点、焙制、医药、化妆品、礼品、轻奢品、茶叶、非食品消费品、工业产品、物流快递包装等终端领域包装。同期20+场商贸配对活动,为展商和买家实现优质资源对接,从技术研讨、高峰论坛、品牌推广、销售渠道、配套服务、线上直播等多维度为企业赋能,旨在产业对接、进一步加强广泛交流合作,开创国际包装盛宴。