



重庆长基科技有限公司(简称BTL),公司科研团队经过多年对空心杯电机核心部分——空心杯绕组技术的研发,已开发出大尺寸空心杯绕组全自动绕线机,打破了国外空心杯电机生产企业对此项技术的长期垄断,是目前国内大尺寸空心杯电机生产企业掌握此技术的制造商,科研团队在此基础上研发出一套的空心杯电机计算方法,所设计研发的无刷空心杯电机已达国际技术水平。公司现阶段主要研发与生产大尺寸(外径16mm—100mm)、大功率、多极数、高转速(可达12万转/分钟)、率可达93%的无刷空心杯电机,其产品已广泛运用到军工、医疗、智能装备、机器、新能源汽车、电动工具等领域。我们以“科技报国”为使命,致力于打造成空心杯电机自动化生产技术的引领者、空心杯电机民族品牌的。Chongqing Changji Technology Co., Ltd. (BTL) has developed a large-sized coreless motor, which represents a breaking of long-term technical monopoly by the counterparts overseas. Our company stands for the only manufacturer holding this patent in China, due to years of our R&D team’s effort on researching coreless motor winding technology. Our brushless coreless motor, adopting a new algorithm, also meets the advanced international standard.We now focus on developing and producing large-size(O.D 16mm-100mm) and high-power brushless coreless motors which feature multipole mode 、high speed(up to 120thousand r/min) and top to 93% efficiency. It has widely used in military, medical, AI and machinery industry, as well as new energy vehicles, electric tools, etc. Committing to ”serving our homeland by innovation”, our company aims to build an influential national brand leading in coreless motor technology and automatic production of it both at home and abroad.

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