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  • 公司: 盐城市赛隆节能技术工程有限公司
  • 地址: 盐城市盐都区潘黄仰徐工业园
  • 联系: 陈立足
  • 手机: 13705100037
  • 一键开店



在市场竞争激烈的情况下,公司坚持以质量、用户至上的方针,以优良的产品质量 来吸引客户、以周到热情的售后服务来赢得客户。本公司又在安徽、广西、湖北、河北、江 西、内蒙古等大片幅地区设有办事处,这不但缩短了用户的定货时间。同时又给客户提供了快而有效的技术服务!

Situated by the scenic Yellow Sea shore SEPME is a Provincia high-tech enter Prise integrated with scientifjc research development and manufacturing and with many honorary titles such as"Coincident Unit with Keeping Promise & Advanced Enterprise" "ChfnaE×ceIerlt Buifding Mate rial Enterp rise","Demon strati ve Ente r- Prisein quaity and fith in China"and"Nati onwi de Con sumer Trustwo rthY Enterp rise"Its Products have Passed IS09001:2000 Quality system Authentificat JoD Sinee its estabIi shment SEPME has been sticking to the tenet of faith and honesty and taking Produ ct quaity as its life According the situation of building materiai ma rket SEPME makes inte rnaI refo rm and coope rates with some uni ve rsities and scientificresea rch units such as NCDRl,Nanjing Techni caI Uni ver sity,HcDRI and YANCHENG Institute of Technoiogy on improvement and reconst ruction of powder concentrator series,Bag Filter Dust Collector series towet drier series.renovatio of innner Parts of the grinde rand conveyor series,which const antly inc reased the Product quafit Yand facifitated credit standing.

Under furious market competition SEPME cingsto"Quality First and Customer Foremost" uses high-quaity Products to attract the customers and provide top grade after sales service to satisfY the cuStomers.In additioil SEPME has set some offices in provinces as Anhui,Guancjxi.Hubei,Hebei.Jiangxi and Inner Morgolia, which Rot only shortens the time of an orde r of goods but also give me conyenience to quick and effective technical service to the customers.



  • 主营: 脉冲袋式除尘器,套筒式烘干机,超细选粉机
  • 地址: 盐城市盐都区潘黄仰徐工业园
  • 联系: 陈立足
  • 手机: 13705100037
  • 邮箱: cnchenlizu@163.com
  • 本站共被浏览过 16949 次

